'We encourage and help everyone to
make their own learning journey’
School Tours
We are very proud of Epsom Primary and Nursery School and we actively encourage new families to visit us, meet us and take a tour.
If you would like to book a visit please contact Mrs Scott, Admissions Manager on Email: office@epsom.surrey.sch.uk
School Day
The school is opened each day at approximately 7.15am by the Site Manager for allow Breakfast Club attendees to arrive at 7.30am and is locked at 6.15pm, unless special arrangements have been made in advance
Children are able to come into school from 8.35am.
Any child arriving at school later than 8.55am should go via the school office and register as a late arrival.
Our school day:
8.30 am Staff in class (or out on playground duty)
8.35 am Doors are open for children as part of Fresh Start settling
8.45am Two-year old and Nursery sessions begin
8.55 am Registration for Primary School (Reception, Key Stage 1 (years 1-2), Key Stage 2 (years 3-6).
10.30 am Early Years / Key Stage 1 playtime (Reception R – 2)
11 am Key Stage 2 playtime (Years 3-6)
11.45-1pm Nursery and Reception lunchtime
12.00 -1pm Year 1 - 6 lunchtime
3.15pm End of school day