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Epsom Primary and Nursery School offers high quality, teacher led grant maintained nursery places for children.  

We have capacity for 52 children in a session.  We offer 4 attendance models that offer children 15 hours a week free education (universal entitlement).  For  working families or those re-training or in education themselves we offer a limited number of full-time places where parents have to pay the additional sessions (over the 15 hours).



Attendance Options 

  • 2 1/2 days - All day Monday and Tuesday (8.5am - 3.15pm) and Wednesday morning (8.45am - 11.45am).

  • 2 1/2 days - Wednesday afternoon (12.15pm - 3.15pm) and all day Thursday and Friday (8.45am - 3.15pm).

  • Mornings - Monday to Friday 8.45am - 11.45am

  • Afternoons - Monday - Friday 12.15am - 3.15pm

  • Full-time - Monday to Friday 08.45am - 3.15pm, with parents paying £75 for the additional sessions on top of the funded 15 hours.

  • School lunch will be available in the full day provision at a cost of £2.20 per day for a school dinner (£11.00 a week), paid for in advance online or parents may provide a packed lunch

Lunch Club

Those attending a morning or afternoon only model can attend lunch club from 11.45am - 12.45pm. Lunch club includes time for eating and planned creative activities.  The cost when including a school dinner is £5.70 per day or £3.50 if you provide your child with a packed lunch.

In addition to the teacher led Nursery led hours, we offer Sunshine Club sessions (Sunrise Breakfast Club and Sunset After-School Club) for those parents or carers who require more childcare than just the funded 15 hours.  The times, fees and booking form for the Sunshine Club can be found here...

New Extended Childcare Provision Entitlement 2017


From September 2017, the government are increasing the amount of funded hours from 15 to 30 hours per week for children of working families that meet the eligibility criteria. This means that eligible families will be able to receive up to 1140 hours of free childcare per year. In Surrey this entitlement will usually be referred to as extended entitlement or +15 hours. Government publications also refer to this as "30 hours free childcare". As a school we will be providing a set number of 30 hour places in order to retain enough universal 15 hour places for families that are not entitled to the funding. Further information about our offer will be available once the government have published the statutory information, including the eligibility criteria. 


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