'We encourage and help everyone to
make their own learning journey’
At Epsom Primary and Nursery School we are committed to meeting the special educational needs of pupils and ensuring that they make good progress. The Special Needs policy at Epsom Primary and Nursery School supports the vision of the school:
To be a ‘first choice’ school, offering a protective and inclusive environment for everyone to learn, develop and create ambition.
We value the diversity of our community as a rich resource that can contribute to the learning of all pupils and staff. We aim to provide equality of educational opportunity for all by removing barriers to success for all pupils irrespective of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language and social background. To remove these barriers we first and foremost ensure that all teaching and support staff have a good understanding of inclusive teaching practices within the classroom.
Identification and Provision
High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children. Some children need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014.
Where children are in need of additional support beyond that provided in the classroom there are a range of interventions that can extend or support pupils in many areas e.g. literacy, numeracy, social skills and speaking and listening. These are carefully monitored to ensure they are effective in helping children to progress in their learning. We keep a detailed whole school provision map which includes every child in the school and any provision, additional to and different from what they receive in the classroom on a daily basis. Click here to read an overview of our school provision map.
Parents are central to the process of enabling pupils fulfil their potential. Parents of pupils with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) are encouraged to contribute to the target setting process for their children and have access to information that will help them to support their child at home.
At Epsom Primary School we are proud of our inclusive practice and what we can offer to all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Click here to read our school offer booklet which has been written for parents and carers of children with SEND, this next booklet contains information on SEND provision for our Two-Years old in "First steps".
Local Offer for SEN and Disabilities
As part of the National Special Educational Needs Reform local authorities are required to publish a ‘local offer’ which is intended to provide information about provision available to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities in the local area. For details of Surrey’s local offer click here
Our SEND Information Report can be found here. We have a requirement to publish this document and review it annually.
Our response to some 'frequently asked questions', which form part of the Surrey Local Offer and is written in response to 14 questions relating to special educational needs provision can be found here.
Coffee Mornings
At Epsom Primary and Nursery School, we aim to make parents and carers feel comfortable about coming into school to discuss any concerns that they have about their child’s individual needs or, indeed their own individual needs as parents.
Half termly coffee mornings are held for parents of children with additional needs, to get together and share ideas and challenges. The parents really appreciate this peer support and sometimes we invite visitors to these sessions. If you would like to attend one, please look out for the dates on our school newsletter.
· “Helping your child with the prime areas of learning in Early Years” – May 2015
· "Supporting Children with Mental Health
September 2015 Handouts: Useful Website References, Relaxation Handout, Worry Handout and Mighty-Mo Activity Booklet
· EAL Coffee morning ‘Supporting your child at home with their learning’ November 2015
· Promoting positive behavior and learning at home’ –December 2015
· Replacing the Playstation with Positive Play - March 2016 Presentation