'We encourage and help everyone to
make their own learning journey’
Achieve Effective Provision for your Children and Families with English as an Additional Language
In this coaching offer we explore induction for new families, how to ensure high expectations are understood, offering English lessons for new families and how best to engage this group. The majority of the offer is spent exploring how to adapt quality first teaching, deploy resources and support staff and ensure your environment enables the best learning for this group of young people.
Effectively Market your School to a Range of Audiences
Explore how to market your school effectively to all audiences, through a range of media; your website, newsletters, media successes, tours, events and how to encourage the most positive dialogue through ‘word of mouth’.Explore how to market your school effectively to all audiences, through a range of media; your website, newsletters, media successes, tours, events and how to encourage the most positive dialogue through ‘word of mouth’.
Be OFSTED Ready and take Ownership of your Inspection
Learn about our Ofsted Readiness Journey and how this can help you prepare your own school or setting as effectively as possible for a forthcoming inspection.
You will have opportunities to discuss how to best prepare all stakeholders, as well as ensuring you plan to showcase every aspect of the school during the inspection itself.
Finally, how can the leadership team take ownership of the inspection, and lead with conviction to endorse a positive outcome.
Creating Effective Leadership at Every Level
In this coaching offer, we will explore with you, how best to strengthen leadership at every level, including implementing effective recruitment and retention strategies to ensure you attract staff of the highest calibre and keep them.
Creating a challenging yet supportive governing body will also be considered as well as practical approaches to engage parents in a personalised way to meet the needs of all parent groups and strengthen your school community.
Meeting the Needs of Every Pupil at your School
Here, we will explore how your Inclusion Team can work most effectively to monitor the progress of groups of pupils to ensure that all pupils progress well from their different starting points, with none falling behind and underachieving.
We will share with you our unique Provision Mapping Tool and Wave Two and Three Intervention Offer, and discuss the impact of provision, for all pupils, on raising attainment.
Engaging parents and working with outside agencies will also be considered to drive improvement in your setting.
Maximise the Deployment of your Support Staff
Let us share how we have completely restructured our support staff team to maximise outcomes for all pupils, including unique leadership capacity within the support staff team. We will reveal, how we have used support staff to accelerate the progress of all pupils and discuss how your support staff can be further developed to ensure the best outcomes for your pupils. Ensuring the quality of continuing professional development for all support staff will also be considered, including how you can use
appraisal to drive consistently effective practice across your school.
Driving Teaching and Learning to Maximise Outcomes
Explore and reflect on a number of effective approaches to teaching and learning, which have proven to maximise pupil outcomes. You will have time to evaluate the current picture in your school and through discussion, prioritise and action key areas for development. Discover how to successfully monitor the progress and performance of both staff and children and how to provide bespoke and personalised support to ensure maximum impact and eradicate underperformance.
Accelerate Pupil Progress Now!
An opportunity to evaluate your current methods of monitoring and intervention when underperformance rears its ugly head and possible ways to address this. Discussions will focus on a range of teaching and assessment strategies and whole school approaches to maximise pupil outcomes swiftly.
Creating a Credible Vision and Ethos for your School
Knowing who you are, and why you, are the foundations for a secure, successful school community. Let us help you to clarify your schools unique story and use it to create clear values and long term vision to support moving your school onwards and upwards.
Enriching the Curriculum to meet the needs of your children
An opportunity to think more creatively about the curriculum that your school is currently offering. Explore ways to involve the community, nurture talent and enable your pupils to be more ambitious and for the school to become a richer learning environment for all.
Getting Your Parents on Board
Through this coaching offer, we will explore successful strategies to engage your parents in order to equip them with the right tools to support their children at home. You will be encouraged to investigate ways that you can engage all stakeholders in this process in order to sustain parents’ interest and have maximum impact on pupil outcomes.
Achieving Outstanding EYFS Provision
Through this coaching offer we will unpick what is meant by high quality learning opportunities, including, how to promote and develop independent learning and how to support staff at all levels to engage with the leadership vision for EYFS. You will be encouraged to explore strengths and areas for development within your own EYFS provision, identify actions and discuss solutions to potentially rapidly improve outcomes across EYFS.
Does your Use of Pupil Premium Demonstrate Value for Money?
Explore and reflect on a variety of strategies which have proven to close the gap for disadvantaged pupils. You will have an opportunity to explore how to implement resources, actions and staff effectively to ensure successful outcomes for all children.
Improve the evaluation of the impact of each action implemented and share this information in an easily accessible way with all stakeholders.
Create High Quality Extended Provision for your Families
Explore possible options for establishing and running your own unique extended provision on site to meet increasing parental demand, create revenue for your school and possibly lead to increased pupil roll numbers due to this attractive addition for working parents.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
In this coaching offer, we will explore how to ensure Behaviour, Personal Development and Welfare is strong throughout your school. You will have the opportunity to discuss processes to ensure safeguarding is robust, strategies to promote high standards of behaviour and look at how to create excellent attitudes towards learning for all pupils, throughout the school. Finally, we will have an opportunity to explore the role of pupil leadership and consider the impact this has on pupils’ self-discipline, confidence and their social skills.
The 13 coaching offers of support have arisen from our journey and the aspects that we found moved us rapidly forward as a school. The programmes of coaching support are delivered by senior leaders who I can personally vouch have incredible talent, experience and expertise across the full range of support programmes.