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At Epsom Primary and Nursery School we are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils to ensure that they make the best possible progress. As all children progress at different rates, there may be times when a teacher feels a child may benefit from an intervention group which would be in addition to every day class teaching.  In some cases, this may be because we feel a child is not completely reaching their potential and may need ‘a little
extra push’ or it may be to ‘catch up’ in a particular area.


Intervention at Epsom Primary and Nursery School

At Epsom Primary and Nursery School we strive and work for Quality First Teaching levels for all pupils.  

However we recognise that some pupils are working at levels above their age range and as scuh we have provision - Highly Able /More Able (HAMA) - in place during the school day and also in clubs before or after school to support and stretch these pupils.

We are constantly monitoring pupil progress, so invitation to these groups is always changing to ensure we are addressing the timely needs of all pupils.


These pages contain information thats is shared with our Highly able or More Able Groups.

Here is a link to our School Offer for HAMA (Highly Able and More Able) .  This document gives an overview of the requirements for HAMA from Ofsted and an overview of how EPS supports HAMA pupils.  It is important to advise that EPS philosophy is to provide Quality First Teaching to all pupils that will engage and stretch their learning.



NEW: Click Here to review the slides from the Parent Information Session on 22/10/15

Academic Support, HAMA & Intervention

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